Wednesday, February 3, 2016

DIY Joint & Muscle Salve with Essential Oils

DIY Joint & Muscle Salve
PanAway, Copaiba & RC Essential Oils

This is a must share recipe!

I love Young Living's Ortho Ease Massage Oil and that's what I have been using up till now. It is a wonderful product and I still use it, but after making this easy DIY recipe I prefer to use the salve—it's like rubbing sunshine into my life on a rainy, dreary day, and it seems to have a more lasting effect since it's a salve instead of an oil blend.

Perfect for achy, sore joints and muscles, I use it on my right shoulder and upper arm, and both hips every morning and every night before bed. It eases discomfort, helps me function better, and I get a more restful night's sleep as a result.

 A Wonderful Trio of Essential Oils

If you are already familiar with the benefits of pure essential oils then you know that better health and wellness can come naturally, without side effects, witout toxic chemicals.

What's in this salve?

PanAway combines the soothing properties of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint. The oils in this blend affects and supports the nervous system and muscles and bones. (Have you ever used clove or peppermint for a toothache? It works!)

Copaiba pronounced “ko-pah-ee-bah.” Surprisingly, it is harvested in the same way maple syrup is collected—by drilling into the tree. Steam distillation completes the process to make an essential oil. Its powerful constituents Beta-Caryophyllene and Alpha-Humulene have many helpful and amazing properties. Copaiba promotes wellness and supports the body’s natural response to injury or irritation. Copaiba is also a magnifier. Using Copaiba with another essential oil, magnifies the properties of that oil. It affects the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, emotional, skin, muscle and bone systems.

R.C. is a comforting and uplifting combination of Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus. Great for respiratory support, circulation, and considered useful prior to exercise and aiding musculature.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This post is for informational purposes only. 

DIY Joint & Muscle Salve 

This recipe will fill a 2 ounce jar. I double it, which gives me about 4 ounces or more of salve.

1.5 Tb Shea butter
1.5 Tb Coconut oil (pure organic)
1/2 Tb Beeswax pellets
25 drops PanAway essential oil
5 drops Copaiba essential oil
5 drops R.C. essential oil
(optional oils could be used such as Lemongrass, Valor, or Balsam Fir)

Over the stove top burner, melt the shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax (one at a time) in a double boiler or use a make-shift pot with hot water at the bottom and put your ingredients in a glass measuring cup inside your pot like I did. Do this over medium heat until just melted. I melt the beeswax last and it takes a little time to be sure all the wax has melted.

Take it off the stove and let cool a few minutes before you pour it into your glass (or approved hard plastic) container and then add your essential oils. I show a metal spoon here but now I use a wooden chopstick to stir in my oils.

I like to place it in the refrigerator for an hour or so to completely cool and then I store it in room temperature conditions.

 The Melting Process

 Trio of Relief
in a Salve

If you are interested, you can grab a great deal this month for YL's February Special on a Premium Starter Kit! 

 As you'll notice, the amazing trio I used in this recipe comes in the Premium Starter Kit with eight other essential oils and a diffuser. And it's on SALE for a 10% discount for the month of February!

Please contact me for more info or if you have an interest in becoming a YL member you can always go here: I'll be happy to help you get started on a healthier Young Living Lifestyle change in 2016!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Relax—Include Orange Oil to Start Your Day!

I love ORANGE essential oil 
and adding a few drops to my 
orange/vanilla, hemp/whey protein shake! 

Oranges are good for us! A raw orange supplies us with a good source of Thiamin, Folate, Potassium and Vitamin C. Though oranges have naturally occurring sugar (of which too much can be a bad thing), they can help us meet our dietary fiber needs. And a good orange tastes SO delicious!

Orange oil has known anti-anxiety properties and can help with relaxation and elevate your mood. Try diffusing it—think HAPPY dance and HAPPY thoughts! 

Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oil has a rich, fruity scent that lifts the spirit while providing a calming influence on the body.  It is rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene and aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration. Orange may also be used to enhance the flavor of food and water. 

Orange has an approximate ORAC of 18,898 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter.  I was amazed to read about so many health benefits!

Orange / Vanilla
Hemp Seed / Whey Protein Shake


1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
3 large seedless oranges (peeled and sectioned)
2-3 drops of Y.L. Orange essential oil
1 Tbs coconut oil
2 Tbs hemp seed 
Pinch of pink Himalayan salt
tsp of pure vanilla extract
2 tsp sweetener of choice (I like a stevia/erythritol blend)
Scoop of whey protein powder (like Jay Robb or THM brand)
1 cup of ice

Mix and blend the first seven ingredients in a high-powered blender (like Vita-Mix). Then add the protein powder and ice, and blend well again. Pour into two large glasses and enjoy!
Note: I only trust Young Living essential oils as safe to ingest.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I Feel Like Dancing!

Welcome to  
Oily Blessingsmy home of all things oily—using Young Living Essential Oils!

Years ago I received a seven oil kit—one of the earlier ones that Young Living sent with a primary membership—and though I liked the oils and utilized some alternative medicine practices, I was not educated on them and their uses and I missed the added blessings that they could have been for us as a family. 

Since that time, and more than ten years older and wiser, I am rediscovering God's medicine in its natural beauty and reaping some amazing benefits. These pure oils are ancient (think Bible times) "essential" elixirs from above: fragrant, oxygenating, vibrating, energetic, and healing. It is a passion to partner with my Young Living friends and family and share the many blessings of these oils with others.

With a history of some physical/degenerative and emotional ailments, the oils have helped to balance me. They have become my "wellness" chest meeting most all of my everyday needs. 

The best thing I have experienced is that I feel GREAT almost every day! That was certainly not always the case! I have to say "almost" because I do get headaches and migraines (I have since I was 16) and I am still working with the oils to find what works best for me. I'll be getting into more detail in future posts, but you know that when you don't feel good nothing seems to go right. Life can even STINK! But when you feel really GOOD, you have motivation—and power—and a right mind—to tackle your world! 

So MOST days now. . . I feel like dancing and indeed I do!

Please contact me for more info and if you have an interest in becoming a YL member go here: